What is Islam ?

The virtues of Islam during the Pandemic. By Dr. Sultan Al-Omairi

The virtues of Islam during the Pandemic. By Dr. Sultan Al-Omairi 1

The virtues and merits of Islam are constantly manifested everywhere. One comprehensive example for that was vividly crystalizedalong with the global invasion of the COVID-19 pandemic.
It is a top obligation to pay extra attention to these merits and virtues during thiscriticalperiod. This strengthens the steadfastness and reinforces the faith of the Muslims to attain certainty in their hearts, to refute and defeat antagonistic misconceptions which are thrown by the enemies of Islam, and to have a cheerful state of mind due to the especiallydistinctive Islamic rulings.

The mainspot of light on the virtues and merits of Islam was lately focused onIslamic comprehensiveness. The pandemic was closely observed through a cognitive, faith-based, and moral Islamic lens.
The all-inclusive characteristic of these virtues is exclusively found in the religion of Islam. The teachings and rulings of Islam are miraculousand exceptional. Other religions may only have some of these merits but they are stillqualitatively inferior to Islamic merits.

The Muslims should unequivocally be pleased and proud of Islam.

One merit of Islam in dealing with pandemics, is the wholeness of the theoretical body of religious teachings which indicates that the causes of pandemics and diseasesvary based on the type and special rulingsof them. There are two categories of causes: Some are natural; based on human action and accumulated experience and knowledge. Some other causes are religious; the commitment to Islamic commands and the disobedience of Allah lead to two opposing directions.

 The pandemic may occur due to different levels of causality. There are observable and physical causes on one hand. There is also a religious level of causality on the other hand, such as the sins of people and their abandonment of Allah's commandments. I have covered that in detail in an article published several days ago, it was entitled: The religious methodology to interpret worldly events.

This virtue reveals how much the Muslim's mind differs from other minds when it interprets surrounding events and its methodof dealing with them is different, too. The Muslim brain deals holistically with every event, unlike the mind of the materialist. This wholeness which helps the Muslim understand and tackle problems, is categorically different from the one-sidedobserver.

Another merit of Islam during pandemic is, opening the gates for hope. The Muslims staunchly believe in the holy text that console them by instilling faith that every single disease has a remedy. This belief is not based on scientific knowledge or life experiences. Mere experience doesn’t guarantee a bright future, nonetheless, the firm belief in the authenticity of revelation lays the unshakable ground for hope. Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) said: "There is no disease that Allah has created, except that He also has created its treatment." (Bukhari 5678)
Abdurrahman Assadi commented on that Prophetic saying: "This Hadith generally stipulates that all external and internal diseases have remedies that preserve humans from looming illnesses that haven't hit humans yet or which willcure them completely or at least alleviate their impact. This urges the Muslims to master themedical science as much as Islam encourages the knowledge of spiritual purity. This is surely one of the beneficial means. The essentials and details of medical science lie within the interpretation of this Hadith. Allah, the Almighty, said that all diseases have a cure, therefore we should exert all possible effort to acquire this knowledge in order to put it into action. Some people used to believe that some of the diseases have no remedy, such as tuberculosis, etc. The science of medicine progressed and humanity excelled in this field, which made it clear for people that this Hadith is a general proclamation. (The joyful pious hearts 147)

Undoubtedly, the non-Muslims can diligently conduct their own research. However, they are searching for a remedy which they believe that it may exist or not, while the Muslimshave a firm belief that the remedy is already there, they just have to delve for it.
The Muslims' psychology is highly hopeful and optimistic. They indefatigably search for the cure due to their belief in Allah's promise.

Mula Ali says: "These Hadiths strengthen the morale of the doctors and patients, they spur the Muslim, medical professionals to do their research in addition toproviding an atmosphere of hope for patients. When the human being has a firm belief that the disease has a cure, optimism rises and survival instinct kicks in. The natural, psychological, and animalistic aspects of the human being become robust, which utterly defeat the disease." (The elevation of human soul, the explanation of 'Masabeeh')
This is an evidence that belief in the existence of a remedy, reinforces the human spirit which is a means to drive the negative impact of disease away from the body.
One other Islamic merit during pandemics is the fostering of security. The Muslim can get infected by diseases like any other human being. Nevertheless, he is on another level of serenity and security.

The Muslim, like anyone else, experiences natural fear which plays a role in taking the necessary protective measures. He also believes that Allah has full control over every minute detail. The Muslim should just trust Allah as stated in the Qur'an: "And whoever puts their trust in Allah, then He ˹alone˺ is sufficient for them." (Qur'an 65:3) This verse is enough to dispel all the stormy fear which the materialistichuman can get swallowed up into. The Muslim may fear illness, but she is still a believer in Allah, the Protector, who preserves, supports, and plans the best for His servants. Belief is instilled inside the Muslim's heart, thus, all fear is pulled out of it completely.

If the tribulation or adversity attacks the Muslim fiercely, he believes that Allah has the power over everything, therefore, he clings to Allah's name, Al-Latif (Subtle planner for the believer). Allah the Almighty says: "Allah is Latif to His servants." (Qur'an 42:19)
Allah's name is general for all His servants, but it is more special for the believing men and women. Al-Latif provides good things unexpectedly, unbeknownst to the believers. (The interpretation of the Most-generous, the Most- merciful, by Assaidi 756)
The Muslim's heart has a deep-rooted belief that if Allah decreed great pandemics, He doesn’t intend for believers, except what is good for them. The Muslim's spirit calms down because the believer is not a materialistic person who only believes in the unguided, unsupervised, random and purposeless matter and energy (the universe).

The Muslim faces all ordeals with a heart that believes in a Merciful Lord, He has taken it upon Himself to be Merciful. His Mercy supersedes His wrath. Allah is more Merciful to His servants than their mothers. This belief plants the strongest sense of security inside the heart, thus all fear vanishes. The Muslim takes the step towards His Lord to repent, obey, love and supplicate.
One other Islamic merit at the time of pandemics, is the great reward. The Muslim gets infected like any other person but unbounded good deeds are for the patient Muslim. The Muslim believes in: "Only those who endure patiently will be given their reward without limit.”(Qur'an 39:10)
Imagine the fact of two different people facingthe same situation. They may have two contradictory reactions! One of them believes that patience is a means to get endless reward. The other doesn’t believe in any type of reward, how much misery would he experience?! What would his psychological state be like?!He would be immersed into excruciating agony, despair, destruction, and utter defeat.
The Muslims find peace withtheir Lord's promise. They anticipategoodness from Him alone. When a calamity befalls the Muslim, hepossesses a different mindset. While the materialistic person gets encompassed by heedlessness and oblivion.

One other merit of Islam during the pandemic is the vindication of the Muslim's belief. The Muslim believes that Allah is the Lord and Creatorand the one who ordains everything. Allah Hasn't ever forsaken the universe, His decree is invincible and irrevocable. He does all what He wills. He is the All-powerful. He owns everything. Even if humansreach the highest levels of scientific and technological progress, they will still remain powerless before Allah's Power and Dominion. All the beautiful and great attributes of Allah demonstrate His glory and power over all things.

The prevalence of this pandemic has shed the light on these meanings for the people who turn a blind eye to Allah's signs. One of the most beautiful verses in this regard is: "The life of this world is just like rain We send down from the sky, producing a mixture of plants which humans and animals consume. Then just as the earth looks its best, perfectly beautified, and its people think they have full control over it, there comes to it Our command by night or by day, so We mow it down as if it never flourished yesterday! This is how We make the signs clear for people who reflect." (Qur'an 10:24)

This verse clarifies the status of modern, materialistic societies. They have become prosperous and advanced, so they were able to get all what they saw as a source of pleasure for them. They thought that they were unconquerable and totally immune from any disease. Suddenly, here it is, an unforeseeable turn of events! People are extremely terrified now. This is a living proof for humans to ponder and reflect on the greatness of our Creator and weakness of His creation.

The Muslims' faith never falter when theyencounter adversity.The Muslim holds more tightly to his belief in Allah as the Lord and King of everything. The pandemic instantly transformsinto an eloquent, truthful preacher who engenders tranquility and certitude in Allah, the Lord of everyone.
One other merit of Islam at the time of the pandemic is, combating superstitions. Islam broadens the capacity of the mind by implanting security inside the heart and through strengthening hope inside the soul. This precludes superstitions and deceptive premonitions from infiltrating the brain.

Islam forbids belief in evil omen, whether visual, audible, or informative. This type of pessimism circulates among people at the time of crises and pandemics. Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) said: "There is no infection (without Allah's permission) and no evil omen and (you) should run away from the leper as one runs away from a lion." (Bukhari 5707).  He (PBUH) also said: "He is not one of us who drawsan evil omen or asks for it, performs soothsaying or asks for it." (Bazzar 3578)

At the times of crises and pandemics, the Muslim doesn’t give his attention to superstitions, premonitions, or fake news. He doesn’t go to sorcerers or soothsayers. He doesn’t go to pray to pious people inside their graves. He only has his heart attached to Allah, he only trusts Him alone. He does all what it takes to achieve his goals in a permissible and reasonable manner.

One of the merits of Islam at the time of this pandemic is, being grateful for health. The Muslim believes that everything is a decreed fate, but he still takes all the precautionary health measures. Belief in Allah's fate doesn’t mean that I do not take these necessary measures, especially during the times of crises. The Muslim should seek safety and protection from diseases and pandemics.
For this wisdom, Allah's numerous commands were revealedfor the Muslims to avoid hazardous situations. Allah the Almighty says: "do not let your own hands throw you into destruction." (Qur'an 2:195) This is a general prohibition that includes all harm and danger both on the religious and worldly levels. Assaidi said: "contribution to your destruction may happen through two things: the abandonment of Allah's commandments for the believers to protect the physical body and human soul. For example, overlooking Jihad for the sake of Allah or the spending of money for the same cause, which may lead to our enemies dominating over us. Another case is when a person gets himself unreasonably involved into a fight or to travel to hot spots on the map, or to arrive at the den of lions or to climb an unsafe tree or building or to get under something lethal, etc. All these are examples of putting yourselves into destruction. (The ease of the Most-generous and Most-merciful, Assaidi 756)

Prophet Muhammad (PBU) says: "Ask Allah to pardon you and bestow good health on you, no blessing is given to a human that is better than good health, except unshakable conviction in Allah." (at-Tirmidhi 3558)
He (PBUH) also said: "O Allah, indeed, You have created my soul and You shall take its life, to You belongs its life and death. If You should keep my soul alive then protect it, and if You should take its life then forgive it. O Allah, I ask You to grant me good health." (Muslim 8)
Good health (`Afia) is one of the objectives of Islam. Islam doesn’t encourage people to fall into illness; they may become patient or not, who knows! Health is considered the natural condition that Allah created humans with. Acts of worship are originally revealed for people who have good health. Of course, there are acts of worship and commands that are specially revealed for people who have diseases, nevertheless, it is still the exception of the rule. 

Thus, Islam has set quarantine at the times of contagious pandemics because health is a lofty objective for all people. Islam is sent down for religious and worldly affairs, too.
The non-Muslim also cares for his heath and is keen on the protection of his body from illnesses. The non-Muslim has a mere worldly goal while the Muslim seeks the love of Allah. The believer wants Allah's reward and he runs away from His punishment. It is a natural instinctual inclination to have good health but Islam has another religious dimension; the benefit is multidimensional for the Muslim.

One of the merits of Islam at the time of pandemics, is to encourage people to cooperate and offer support at the time of crises. Islam has unequaled teachings that spur people to help out and serve others, especially at the times of agony and disasters. The Islamic religious text strengthens social bonding. Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) said: "He who removes from a believer one of his difficulties of this world, Allah will remove one of his troubles on the Day of Resurrection; and he who finds relief for a hard-pressed person, Allah will make things easy for him on the Day of Resurrection; he who covers up (the faults and sins) of a Muslim, Allah will cover up (his faults and sins) in this world and in the Hereafter. Allah supports His servant as long as the servant is supportive of his brother."(Muslim 2699)

Researchers have excelled in their attempts to demonstrate the Islamic formationof human societies. They have reiterated that the top characteristic of the Muslim society is manifested in cooperation and merciful reciprocity in all times, especially at the time of crises.
One of the best commentators on this topic was Sheikh Muhammad Abu Zahra in his book: The human society under the reign of the Muslim state. He has covered the methodology of Islam in building up society. He talks about the most important foundational rules as follows: "The Muslim society is basically intangible, the social relations are built upon principles of mutual merciful and affectionate manners; social bonds are unlike materialistic societies,which are built on economy or abstract presence that resembles closely packed bricks which are within a specific proximity but still lack strong ties and closeness between the individuals. The geometrical systemization doesn’t necessarily meantrue cohesiveness. A tiny storm can sweep it away in a glimpse of an eye. The materialistic stateis wrapped around itself. It requires constant renovations and amendments to cover up its grave defects.

The moral society is based on spiritual relations between its individuals. This Islamic edifice is cohesive and unshakable because the individuals are nurtured religiously and spiritually. Such edifice may lack economic or geometrical features, but it is still firmly well-established. (The human society under the reign of the Muslim state 121)
The moral spiritual compass in the Muslim society led to massive charitable campaigns for impoverished and penniless people at the time of this pandemic. Just follow the news and closely observe the social media platforms and you will find breaking news everywhere in Kuwait, Algeria, Egypt, Palestine, Saudi Arabia, etc.
This global collaboration was only possible due to a unified source for all these followers of the Islamic religion. Divine revelation imprinted benevolence that drives people's hearts to support the needy to remove the shackles of misery from their lives.
On the other hand, look at materialistic societies. Most of their citizens panicked and isolated themselves from others, they fought each other for the acquisition of the largest amounts of sustenance to store in their houses. They turned a blind eye to starved and poor people.

This is Islam, ladies and gentlemen. It has made the greatest miraculous reformation in the world. It led to the biggest transformation in human life. Abu AlhasanAlnadoi described what Islam instilled in the spirits of pre-Islamic people:
"This complete transformation that was given to Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) which was instilledinto the souls of the Muslims who formed the bricks of Muslim society was unprecedented. It was fast, profound, comprehensive, and clear (not vague like a lot of miraculous incidents), it wasn't a puzzle."
The author continued to describe the influence of Islam inside the hearts of pre-Islamic people:
"The Muslims in general and the Arabs in particular rejected thisvague and sickly creed of their forefathers, and attained a Faith which was at once intense and profound and which permeated through every fiber of their existence, such as morality and sociology. They pledged their Faith in God Who has Excellent Attributes, Who is the Most Exalted, the Most Magnificent and the Master of the Day of Judgment. The King, the Most Holy, the All-Perfect, the Source of Serenity, the Watcher ˹of all˺, the Almighty, the Supreme in Might, the Majestic.The Creator, the Inventor, the Shaper. He ˹alone˺ has the Most Beautiful Names. Whatever is in the heavens and the earth ˹constantly˺ glorifies Him. And He is the Almighty, All-Wise. He is the All-Forgiving, All-Loving. The Most-Gracious and Most-Merciful. He Creates and Commands. He Has the dominion of all things in His hand. He protects, while there is no protection against Him.

Who rewards with paradise and punishes with hell. He swells or shrinks the subsistence of whomsoever He likes. He is the Knower of all that is hidden in the heavens and the earth. He knows the stealth of the eyes and the secrets of the hearts. Allah Has all strength and perfection and beneficence.
This solemn conviction produced a miraculous transformation among the early followers of Islam. Whoever affirmed his faith in the One Transcendent God and testified to His oneness, experienced asudden change in himself The innermost recesses of his soul were lit up with the sublime radiance of God-consciousness, the spirit and the flesh in him ceased to be the enemies of one another; he achieved equilibrium within himself and extraordinary feats of courage, endurance and faith were performed by the believer. All these traits had dazzled the mind, philosophy, history, and morality. These traits will always remain inexplicable by science. It is the complete, profound belief." (What the World Lost Due to Decline of Islamic Civilization 85)
All praise and thanks are due to Allah alone. 
The virtues and merits of Islam are constantly manifested everywhere. One comprehensive example for that was vividly crystalizedalong with the global invasion of the COVID-19 pandemic.
It is a top obligation to pay extra attention to these merits and virtues during thiscriticalperiod. This strengthens the steadfastness and reinforces the faith of the Muslims to attain certainty in their hearts, to refute and defeat antagonistic misconceptions which are thrown by the enemies of Islam, and to have a cheerful state of mind due to the especiallydistinctive Islamic rulings.
The mainspot of light on the virtues and merits of Islam was lately focused onIslamic comprehensiveness. The pandemic was closely observed through a cognitive, faith-based, and moral Islamic lens.
The all-inclusive characteristic of these virtues is exclusively found in the religion of Islam. The teachings and rulings of Islam are miraculousand exceptional. Other religions may only have some of these merits but they are stillqualitatively inferior to Islamic merits.

The Muslims should unequivocally be pleased and proud of Islam.
One merit of Islam in dealing with pandemics, is the wholeness of the theoretical body of religious teachings which indicates that the causes of pandemics and diseasesvary based on the type and special rulingsof them. There are two categories of causes: Some are natural; based on human action and accumulated experience and knowledge. Some other causes are religious; the commitment to Islamic commands and the disobedience of Allah lead to two opposing directions.

 The pandemic may occur due to different levels of causality. There are observable and physical causes on one hand. There is also a religious level of causality on the other hand, such as the sins of people and their abandonment of Allah's commandments. I have covered that in detail in an article published several days ago, it was entitled: The religious methodology to interpret worldly events.
This virtue reveals how much the Muslim's mind differs from other minds when it interprets surrounding events and its methodof dealing with them is different, too. The Muslim brain deals holistically with every event, unlike the mind of the materialist. This wholeness which helps the Muslim understand and tackle problems, is categorically different from the one-sidedobserver.

Another merit of Islam during pandemic is, opening the gates for hope. The Muslims staunchly believe in the holy text that console them by instilling faith that every single disease has a remedy. This belief is not based on scientific knowledge or life experiences. Mere experience doesn’t guarantee a bright future, nonetheless, the firm belief in the authenticity of revelation lays the unshakable ground for hope. Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) said: "There is no disease that Allah has created, except that He also has created its treatment." (Bukhari 5678)
Abdurrahman Assadi commented on that Prophetic saying: "This Hadith generally stipulates that all external and internal diseases have remedies that preserve humans from looming illnesses that haven't hit humans yet or which willcure them completely or at least alleviate their impact. This urges the Muslims to master themedical science as much as Islam encourages the knowledge of spiritual purity. This is surely one of the beneficial means. The essentials and details of medical science lie within the interpretation of this Hadith. Allah, the Almighty, said that all diseases have a cure, therefore we should exert all possible effort to acquire this knowledge in order to put it into action. Some people used to believe that some of the diseases have no remedy, such as tuberculosis, etc. The science of medicine progressed and humanity excelled in this field, which made it clear for people that this Hadith is a general proclamation. (The joyful pious hearts 147)
Undoubtedly, the non-Muslims can diligently conduct their own research. However, they are searching for a remedy which they believe that it may exist or not, while the Muslimshave a firm belief that the remedy is already there, they just have to delve for it.
The Muslims' psychology is highly hopeful and optimistic. They indefatigably search for the cure due to their belief in Allah's promise.
Mula Ali says: "These Hadiths strengthen the morale of the doctors and patients, they spur the Muslim, medical professionals to do their research in addition toproviding an atmosphere of hope for patients. When the human being has a firm belief that the disease has a cure, optimism rises and survival instinct kicks in. The natural, psychological, and animalistic aspects of the human being become robust, which utterly defeat the disease." (The elevation of human soul, the explanation of 'Masabeeh')
This is an evidence that belief in the existence of a remedy, reinforces the human spirit which is a means to drive the negative impact of disease away from the body.
One other Islamic merit during pandemics is the fostering of security. The Muslim can get infected by diseases like any other human being. Nevertheless, he is on another level of serenity and security.

The Muslim, like anyone else, experiences natural fear which plays a role in taking the necessary protective measures. He also believes that Allah has full control over every minute detail. The Muslim should just trust Allah as stated in the Qur'an: "And whoever puts their trust in Allah, then He ˹alone˺ is sufficient for them." (Qur'an 65:3) This verse is enough to dispel all the stormy fear which the materialistichuman can get swallowed up into. The Muslim may fear illness, but she is still a believer in Allah, the Protector, who preserves, supports, and plans the best for His servants. Belief is instilled inside the Muslim's heart, thus, all fear is pulled out of it completely.
If the tribulation or adversity attacks the Muslim fiercely, he believes that Allah has the power over everything, therefore, he clings to Allah's name, Al-Latif (Subtle planner for the believer). Allah the Almighty says: "Allah is Latif to His servants." (Qur'an 42:19)

Allah's name is general for all His servants, but it is more special for the believing men and women. Al-Latif provides good things unexpectedly, unbeknownst to the believers. (The interpretation of the Most-generous, the Most- merciful, by Assaidi 756)
The Muslim's heart has a deep-rooted belief that if Allah decreed great pandemics, He doesn’t intend for believers, except what is good for them. The Muslim's spirit calms down because the believer is not a materialistic person who only believes in the unguided, unsupervised, random and purposeless matter and energy (the universe).
The Muslim faces all ordeals with a heart that believes in a Merciful Lord, He has taken it upon Himself to be Merciful. His Mercy supersedes His wrath. Allah is more Merciful to His servants than their mothers. This belief plants the strongest sense of security inside the heart, thus all fear vanishes. The Muslim takes the step towards His Lord to repent, obey, love and supplicate.

One other Islamic merit at the time of pandemics, is the great reward. The Muslim gets infected like any other person but unbounded good deeds are for the patient Muslim. The Muslim believes in: "Only those who endure patiently will be given their reward without limit.”(Qur'an 39:10)
Imagine the fact of two different people facingthe same situation. They may have two contradictory reactions! One of them believes that patience is a means to get endless reward. The other doesn’t believe in any type of reward, how much misery would he experience?! What would his psychological state be like?!He would be immersed into excruciating agony, despair, destruction, and utter defeat.
The Muslims find peace withtheir Lord's promise. They anticipategoodness from Him alone. When a calamity befalls the Muslim, hepossesses a different mindset. While the materialistic person gets encompassed by heedlessness and oblivion.

One other merit of Islam during the pandemic is the vindication of the Muslim's belief. The Muslim believes that Allah is the Lord and Creatorand the one who ordains everything. Allah Hasn't ever forsaken the universe, His decree is invincible and irrevocable. He does all what He wills. He is the All-powerful. He owns everything. Even if humansreach the highest levels of scientific and technological progress, they will still remain powerless before Allah's Power and Dominion. All the beautiful and great attributes of Allah demonstrate His glory and power over all things.

The prevalence of this pandemic has shed the light on these meanings for the people who turn a blind eye to Allah's signs. One of the most beautiful verses in this regard is: "The life of this world is just like rain We send down from the sky, producing a mixture of plants which humans and animals consume. Then just as the earth looks its best, perfectly beautified, and its people think they have full control over it, there comes to it Our command by night or by day, so We mow it down as if it never flourished yesterday! This is how We make the signs clear for people who reflect." (Qur'an 10:24)

This verse clarifies the status of modern, materialistic societies. They have become prosperous and advanced, so they were able to get all what they saw as a source of pleasure for them. They thought that they were unconquerable and totally immune from any disease. Suddenly, here it is, an unforeseeable turn of events! People are extremely terrified now. This is a living proof for humans to ponder and reflect on the greatness of our Creator and weakness of His creation.
The Muslims' faith never falter when theyencounter adversity.The Muslim holds more tightly to his belief in Allah as the Lord and King of everything. The pandemic instantly transformsinto an eloquent, truthful preacher who engenders tranquility and certitude in Allah, the Lord of everyone.

One other merit of Islam at the time of the pandemic is, combating superstitions. Islam broadens the capacity of the mind by implanting security inside the heart and through strengthening hope inside the soul. This precludes superstitions and deceptive premonitions from infiltrating the brain.
Islam forbids belief in evil omen, whether visual, audible, or informative. This type of pessimism circulates among people at the time of crises and pandemics. Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) said: "There is no infection (without Allah's permission) and no evil omen and (you) should run away from the leper as one runs away from a lion." (Bukhari 5707).  He (PBUH) also said: "He is not one of us who drawsan evil omen or asks for it, performs soothsaying or asks for it." (Bazzar 3578)

At the times of crises and pandemics, the Muslim doesn’t give his attention to superstitions, premonitions, or fake news. He doesn’t go to sorcerers or soothsayers. He doesn’t go to pray to pious people inside their graves. He only has his heart attached to Allah, he only trusts Him alone. He does all what it takes to achieve his goals in a permissible and reasonable manner.
One of the merits of Islam at the time of this pandemic is, being grateful for health. The Muslim believes that everything is a decreed fate, but he still takes all the precautionary health measures. Belief in Allah's fate doesn’t mean that I do not take these necessary measures, especially during the times of crises. The Muslim should seek safety and protection from diseases and pandemics.
For this wisdom, Allah's numerous commands were revealedfor the Muslims to avoid hazardous situations. Allah the Almighty says: "do not let your own hands throw you into destruction." (Qur'an 2:195) This is a general prohibition that includes all harm and danger both on the religious and worldly levels. Assaidi said: "contribution to your destruction may happen through two things: the abandonment of Allah's commandments for the believers to protect the physical body and human soul. For example, overlooking Jihad for the sake of Allah or the spending of money for the same cause, which may lead to our enemies dominating over us. Another case is when a person gets himself unreasonably involved into a fight or to travel to hot spots on the map, or to arrive at the den of lions or to climb an unsafe tree or building or to get under something lethal, etc. All these are examples of putting yourselves into destruction. (The ease of the Most-generous and Most-merciful, Assaidi 756)

Prophet Muhammad (PBU) says: "Ask Allah to pardon you and bestow good health on you, no blessing is given to a human that is better than good health, except unshakable conviction in Allah." (at-Tirmidhi 3558)
He (PBUH) also said: "O Allah, indeed, You have created my soul and You shall take its life, to You belongs its life and death. If You should keep my soul alive then protect it, and if You should take its life then forgive it. O Allah, I ask You to grant me good health." (Muslim 8)
Good health (`Afia) is one of the objectives of Islam. Islam doesn’t encourage people to fall into illness; they may become patient or not, who knows! Health is considered the natural condition that Allah created humans with. Acts of worship are originally revealed for people who have good health. Of course, there are acts of worship and commands that are specially revealed for people who have diseases, nevertheless, it is still the exception of the rule. 

Thus, Islam has set quarantine at the times of contagious pandemics because health is a lofty objective for all people. Islam is sent down for religious and worldly affairs, too.
The non-Muslim also cares for his heath and is keen on the protection of his body from illnesses. The non-Muslim has a mere worldly goal while the Muslim seeks the love of Allah. The believer wants Allah's reward and he runs away from His punishment. It is a natural instinctual inclination to have good health but Islam has another religious dimension; the benefit is multidimensional for the Muslim.

One of the merits of Islam at the time of pandemics, is to encourage people to cooperate and offer support at the time of crises. Islam has unequaled teachings that spur people to help out and serve others, especially at the times of agony and disasters. The Islamic religious text strengthens social bonding. Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) said: "He who removes from a believer one of his difficulties of this world, Allah will remove one of his troubles on the Day of Resurrection; and he who finds relief for a hard-pressed person, Allah will make things easy for him on the Day of Resurrection; he who covers up (the faults and sins) of a Muslim, Allah will cover up (his faults and sins) in this world and in the Hereafter. Allah supports His servant as long as the servant is supportive of his brother."(Muslim 2699)

Researchers have excelled in their attempts to demonstrate the Islamic formationof human societies. They have reiterated that the top characteristic of the Muslim society is manifested in cooperation and merciful reciprocity in all times, especially at the time of crises.
One of the best commentators on this topic was Sheikh Muhammad Abu Zahra in his book: The human society under the reign of the Muslim state. He has covered the methodology of Islam in building up society. He talks about the most important foundational rules as follows: "The Muslim society is basically intangible, the social relations are built upon principles of mutual merciful and affectionate manners; social bonds are unlike materialistic societies,which are built on economy or abstract presence that resembles closely packed bricks which are within a specific proximity but still lack strong ties and closeness between the individuals. The geometrical systemization doesn’t necessarily meantrue cohesiveness. A tiny storm can sweep it away in a glimpse of an eye. The materialistic stateis wrapped around itself. It requires constant renovations and amendments to cover up its grave defects.

The moral society is based on spiritual relations between its individuals. This Islamic edifice is cohesive and unshakable because the individuals are nurtured religiously and spiritually. Such edifice may lack economic or geometrical features, but it is still firmly well-established. (The human society under the reign of the Muslim state 121)
The moral spiritual compass in the Muslim society led to massive charitable campaigns for impoverished and penniless people at the time of this pandemic. Just follow the news and closely observe the social media platforms and you will find breaking news everywhere in Kuwait, Algeria, Egypt, Palestine, Saudi Arabia, etc.

This global collaboration was only possible due to a unified source for all these followers of the Islamic religion. Divine revelation imprinted benevolence that drives people's hearts to support the needy to remove the shackles of misery from their lives.
On the other hand, look at materialistic societies. Most of their citizens panicked and isolated themselves from others, they fought each other for the acquisition of the largest amounts of sustenance to store in their houses. They turned a blind eye to starved and poor people.
This is Islam, ladies and gentlemen. It has made the greatest miraculous reformation in the world. It led to the biggest transformation in human life. Abu AlhasanAlnadoi described what Islam instilled in the spirits of pre-Islamic people:
"This complete transformation that was given to Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) which was instilledinto the souls of the Muslims who formed the bricks of Muslim society was unprecedented. It was fast, profound, comprehensive, and clear (not vague like a lot of miraculous incidents), it wasn't a puzzle."
The author continued to describe the influence of Islam inside the hearts of pre-Islamic people:
"The Muslims in general and the Arabs in particular rejected thisvague and sickly creed of their forefathers, and attained a Faith which was at once intense and profound and which permeated through every fiber of their existence, such as morality and sociology. They pledged their Faith in God Who has Excellent Attributes, Who is the Most Exalted, the Most Magnificent and the Master of the Day of Judgment. The King, the Most Holy, the All-Perfect, the Source of Serenity, the Watcher ˹of all˺, the Almighty, the Supreme in Might, the Majestic.The Creator, the Inventor, the Shaper. He ˹alone˺ has the Most Beautiful Names. Whatever is in the heavens and the earth ˹constantly˺ glorifies Him. And He is the Almighty, All-Wise. He is the All-Forgiving, All-Loving. The Most-Gracious and Most-Merciful. He Creates and Commands. He Has the dominion of all things in His hand. He protects, while there is no protection against Him.

Who rewards with paradise and punishes with hell. He swells or shrinks the subsistence of whomsoever He likes. He is the Knower of all that is hidden in the heavens and the earth. He knows the stealth of the eyes and the secrets of the hearts. Allah Has all strength and perfection and beneficence.
This solemn conviction produced a miraculous transformation among the early followers of Islam. Whoever affirmed his faith in the One Transcendent God and testified to His oneness, experienced asudden change in himself The innermost recesses of his soul were lit up with the sublime radiance of God-consciousness, the spirit and the flesh in him ceased to be the enemies of one another; he achieved equilibrium within himself and extraordinary feats of courage, endurance and faith were performed by the believer. All these traits had dazzled the mind, philosophy, history, and morality. These traits will always remain inexplicable by science. It is the complete, profound belief." (What the World Lost Due to Decline of Islamic Civilization 85)
All praise and thanks are due to Allah alone.