Dear member of Huda tv chanel Aslam alikumI hope my God that every thing will be good with you .your chanel is very goodworking in a world and too much people is watching your chanel if you are doing samelike this that too much people will come to islam and […]
Feed Back
Mahmoud aloyon
May Allah bless you for spreading the message of islam.
Asma alwahesh
peace be upon you first of all i want to thank you for this unimaginabl channelbeacuse it gives us a very good information about our religion May Allah bless you all . Asma alwahesh
imane akaaboune
As-salam aleykoum wa rahmatALLah wa Barakatuh In the first, exuse me for my approximative English. I’m a french sister, i’m 20, and i watch your tv, and your show, and thank you forthis, because is very interresting.But i don’t understand really English.So my suggestioni is:Can you do any show, emission […]
Muneer Amarkhail
I present my best wishes and blessing to the whole Muslims of the worldespecially to the working team of Huda Tv. Huda Tv is playing a great jobmaking people conscious about Islam in western world. I would like that most Islamic nasheed should play on Huda Tv especially thenasheed of […]
Wosilat Raji
Salamu in Nigeria.i enjoy your islamic programes but we dont normalyhave light.pls send me books to read
Saifi Sarah
Salam, I’m Sarah from Algeria a fan of channel Huda, I wanted to thankyou for your outstanding efforts.
Mohammed Fatih
Peace be upon you.I am writing this email just to show my deep appreciations for what you guysare doing.I spent almost half of my watching T.V time on your shows. They are great.May Allah protect you and keep you strong.KEEP IT UP.Best.Mohammed Fatih GhareebKurdistan/Sulaimany
Alalam Alykom Gazakom Allah Ganat ferdaws for your great efforts .keep on making alot of your excellent programs.
I love huda tv channel .there are alot of wonderful programs that teach us more about our islamic religion.may Allah bless all huda tv staff and reward them paradise. Abd-Allah