Women in Islam

Here you will learn about the status of women in Islam and their rights.

How I Came to Love the Veil 1
Women in Islam

How I Came to Love the Veil

I used to look at veiled women as quiet, oppressed creatures — until I was captured by the Taliban.  In September 2001, just 15 days after the terrorist attacks on the United States, I snuck into Afghanistan, clad in a head-to-toe blue burqa, intending to write a newspaper account of […]

An Introduction to Polygamy in Islam 3
Women in Islam

An Introduction to Polygamy in Islam

Islam is criticized for allowing polygamy, for popular culture in the West views polygamy as relatively backward and impoverished.  For many Christians, it is a license to promiscuity, and feminists consider it a violation of women’s rights and demeaning to women.  A crucial point that needs to be understood is […]